Events – RV University

Chandrayaan 3: Mapping the Journey from Sriharikota to Shiv Shakti

24 November 2023 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Civil Engineering Auditorium, RV University, Bengaluru

Mr. Sankaranarayanan Viswanathan - Senior Director in Ola Electric

In August, India achieved a remarkable feat with the successful soft landing of Chandrayaan-3 in the Moon's south polar region, marking a historic milestone. Described by ISRO as a monumental moment, this event not only ignited curiosity but also kindled a fervour for exploration among the younger generation. Have you wondered about the nearly 40-day duration of the journey or the spacecraft's trajectory through space? Can we visually chart its path on a map and pinpoint the exact lunar landing spot? Why did the craft operate for only 14 days on the lunar surface? This lecture endeavours to address these inquiries and more from the perspective of an amateur astronomer, delving into the spatial, temporal, and geometrical aspects of the mission. Moreover, it aims to foster a scientific mindset and potentially alter one's perspective regarding humanity's position in the vast universe.

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