Events – RV University

About Library

RV University library is a hybrid library and hub of knowledge. The library is the liveliest place on the campus, with a friendly and pleasant environment. It encourages and extends learning and research assistance. It has a rich collection of books, journals, magazines, online databases and other academic resources. RVU Library is a backbone of academic and research activities and facilitates access to a huge number of e-resources and other academic resources through various online databases. Trained and committed library staff are at the service of the academic community to support with the relevant information.

All the library functions are fully automated using LIBSOFT Library Management System and enabled with RFID for surveillance and circulation operations. RVU Library is connected with high speed internet and wi-fi with multimedia systems to access various licensed and open access electronic resources in all the subject areas.

Library Vision

To be a vibrant knowledge center that fosters academic excellence, research, and innovation by offering extensive resources and a collaborative environment for students, faculty, and researchers.

Library Mission

Our mission is to diligently provide a wide range of resources and services to meet the academic, intellectual, and research needs of the scholarly community. 

New Arrivals

Our Services


The library follows an Open Access System. One can pick any book of their choice from the shelves and may refer or borrow it.


The library has a good collection of reference books. The reference books are meant to refer within the library and cannot be borrowed.

Inter Library Loan (ILL)

RVU library is networked with other Institutional libraries and also subscribed DELNET to facilitate Inter Library Loan

Internet & Wifi Facility

Library has 10 computer terminals for internet use and to access e-resources. Internet and Wi-Fi facility is available in the library.

Plagiarism Check

RVU Library offers Plagiarism Check service using Turnitin and DrillBit plagiarism tools, user can check similarity themselves to promote Academic Integrity and to maintain a standard of honesty, fairness, responsibility, respect and courage of all students.

CAS & SDI Service

Library provides the current awareness on latest contents received by the library also important news updates. We also provide Selective Dissemination of Information to the user communities in their respective fields and subject areas on request.

Email & WhatsApp Alerts

Library sends an alert on new arrivals, current awareness and important news and news clippings through WhatsApp and Email. Also keeps users updated about their library transactions.

User Orientation

The Library offers information literacy and user orientation program to its users on library facilities, services and the subscribed resources.

Library Working Hours

Library will be kept open from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM on all working days.

Library Collections








Online Databases





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