Events – RV University
Hey! I am Niaa... Your Admission Assistant.
  • Only RV University Students and Staff are allowed to enter the library and utilize the library facilities.
  • Silence must be maintained in the library.
  • Students are not allowed to remove or to change the arrangement of the chairs or tables in the library.
  • Wearing ID card is a must for getting access to the library.
  • Personal belongings: Bags, folders, blazers, helmet etc. are not allowed inside the library.
  • Library staffs are not responsible for things kept in the personal belongings rack.
  • Discussion is not allowed inside the library.
  • ID cards are not transferable. The borrower is responsible for the books borrowed on his/her card.
  • Using Mobile Phones in the Library premises is strictly prohibited.
  • Keep your mobile phonons in silence mode.
  • Using electronic gadgets and copying devices are strictly prohibited in the library.
  • Make use of the OPAC facility/Library Catalogue to locate the required book in the library. Go through the Link to access RVU Library Catalogue:
  • Issued books, and text books are not allowed to be taken inside the library.
  • Show the books and other materials which are being taken out of the library to the staff at the circulation counter.
  • Do not misplace the books on the shelf. After reference please leave books on the reading table or replace books in the right shelf at the right place.
  • If the books are removed from the shelf (if you don’t want to issue it), then keep them separately.
  • Students are forbidden to lend any documents from the library to third party.
  • Loss of ID card should be reported to the librarian immediately. Duplicate card shall be issued against formal application with appropriate fine.
  • Reference books, journals/magazines and newspapers are meant for reading in library only.
  • Students should replace frequently used periodicals such as, newspapers, journals and other magazines at the right place for the convenience of other readers.
  • Writing or marking in the books are strictly prohibited. Should not tear or mutilate pages.
  • Library user must comply with copyright laws.
  • In case any damage is caused to any library reading material or property, the person concerned shall be liable to pay the replacement cost of damages.
  • Edibles and refreshment are not allowed inside the library.
  • Students are welcome to recommend or suggest new book request through proper channel with a prescribed book requisition form.
  • Anyone found guilty of misbehavior/misconduct, his/her membership to be cancelled.
  • Do not save any folders on the digital library desktop, in case if anything saved on desktop it would be deleted before closing the system.
  • After using fan, lights etc. make sure you switch them off.
  • NO-DUE certificate will not be issued to the users unless they return all the library books and pay the over dues.

Note: Violation of these Rules will call for punitive action against the user.

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