Events – RV University

“Realising the Vision of Right to Health - From Social Action to Legal Entitlement”

November 15th, 2023 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon Senate Room, RV University, Bengaluru

Dr. Abhay Prakash Shukla

Dr. Abhay Shukla, M.D. is a public health physician with graduate and postgraduate degrees from AIIMS, New Delhi. He has been working in the areas of public health and community health in India for the last 35 years, including collaborative work with civil society organizations and grassroots groups in Maharashtra state for the last two and half decades. He is a Senior Consultant with SATHI Pune, along with being a member of the National Health Mission- Advisory Group for Community Action (AGCA). He also has a membership in the Core group on Health of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC). He is one of the national co-convenors of Jan Swasthya Abhiyan (People’s Health Movement – India) and is one of the founders of the Alliance of Doctors for Ethical Healthcare (ADEH).

Dr. Abhay has co-edited / authored the books ‘Review of Health Care in India’, ‘Report on Health Inequities in Maharashtra’, ‘Health System in India Crisis and Alternatives, and ‘The Rights Approach to Health and Health Care’. His current research interests include transnational investments in the Indian healthcare sector, corporatization of healthcare, regulation of the private health sector, medicine pricing policy, collaborative social accountability, and co-production of health.

Dr. Abhay has led the drafting of the ‘Patients’ Rights Charter’ developed by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), which has been nationally adopted by the Union Health Ministry. As a member of the NHRC committee formulating Human rights advisories during COVID, he has drafted the official Health rights advisories in response to the COVID situation (2020-21). He has been a member of advisory committees of Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu State governments (2019 – 2021), providing expert inputs to both states for drafting pioneering Right to health provisions. Abhay is a Global Steering Committee member of the COPASAH (Community of Practitioners on Accountability and Social Action in Health) international network and is a member of the Health Systems thematic circle of the People’s Health Movement.

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