Events – RV University

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13 February 2023 11.00 p.m. -12.00 noon ECE Seminar Hall, RV University, Bengaluru

Mr. Sreenivas Chivikula

Mr. Sreenivas Chivikula is a successful management professional in the entire gamut of business - product, sales, services, inventories, HR and finance in consumer durables, FMCG & automobile industries.
The major achievements of his career are:

  • Group CEO (Mercedes Benz -T&T Motors) - Led the organization with an empathetic

    leadership in overcoming pandemic crisis & Auto Industry challenges (2019-22)

  • Business Head (Lexus) -Led the team to achieve growth in Oman from No.3 to No 1


  • Sales Head (Nippo) -facilitated in team achieving the strong No2 status in India and

    the No1 in many large states (1994-2004)

  • Product Head (Usha / Usha Lexus) –Successfully Launched 12 appliances and the

    brand Usha Lexus. (1982-93)

    He is passionate about success and believes in a philosophy that every set goal is possible if we think differently/ practically in designing strategizes for all teams involved.


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