RV University’s School of Film, Media and Creative Arts is a new-age, multi-disciplinary liberal education oriented preparatory school for emerging careers in film, media, OTT and the creative industries. The mission is to provide the best ‘university-offered undergraduate film and media education’ in preparing students for existing and emerging opportunities in creative entrepreneurship, support pathways and evolving skillsets in entertainment, OTT, new media and related production and research in South Asia and beyond, taught by the best in academia and working professionals.
Graduate Attributes that we seek to nurture in the filmmakers, media professionals and entertainment industry entrepreneurs of tomorrow are,
- Imagination
- Creativity
- Ethics
- All-Rounded Thinking
- Effective Communication
- Digital Fluency
- Flexibility and Adaptability
- Team Working
- Leadership Potential
- Entrepreneurship
At the School of Film, Media, and Creative Arts, we are committed to providing a dynamic learning environment that combines theory and practice towards honing students’ creativity with a strong foundation in the best traditions of liberal education. Our faculty members hailing from the disciplines of film, media and humanities, professors-in-practice, filmmakers and visiting industry professionals ensure that students receive hands-on training and mentoring to develop the skills needed to succeed in their chosen field of specialisation or subject major.
The SoFMCA Foundation
Our distinct edge over existing film and media programs is a unique One-Year ‘Liberal and Creative Arts’ Foundation, which is designed to provide students with comprehensive training in essential 21st century skills and holistic introductions to the study of media, entertainment and the visual arts. This will enable them to make an informed choice about specialisation and career pathways in accordance with one’s individual passion and ability at the end of their Foundation Year. Select specialisations will also have the opportunity of availing a semester exchange in relevant electives with partnering universities abroad.
Semester 1 Foundations (24 Credits)
- Reading, Writing, Thinking and Storytelling
- Classics of World Cinema
- Basics of Photography and Filmmaking
- Media Literacy and Ethics
- Visual Communication and Aesthetics
- Environmental Awareness
- Happiness and Self-Awareness
Semester 2 Introductions to Specialisations (24 Credits)
- Introduction to Acting
- Introduction to Film
- Introduction to Media
- Introduction to Animation
- Indian Constitution and Citizenship
A UG Scholar’s Journey at SoFMCA
Year 1
[48 Credits] – Creative Thinking, Critical Learning, Discovering Individual Abilities, and Introductions to Majors
Year 2
Exploration [48 Credits] – Choose your Specialisation and Explore a Minor
Year 3
Specialisation [48 Credits] – Master your Specialisation with Industry Internship
Year 4
Creation [36 Credits] – A portfolio of signature works in films, documentary, animation, graphic narratives or thesis dissertation
Total = 180 Credits
Join us and embark on an exciting journey towards a fulfilling career in the world of film, media, and the creative arts.
Apply Now to turn your passion into a profession.

Know your Dean
Author, Critic, Curator, Filmmaker and former Editor of Stardust and StarWeek, Dr. Roy has authored over 1000 media articles in leading Indian dailies (The Indian Express, Hindustan Times, The Times of India Speaking Tree, The Asian Age, Screen, The New Indian Express) and Society magazine. Author of five books and two media columns, ‘Sunday Talkies’ (Orissa Post) and ‘Friday Talkies’ (The Hindu), he’s directed three documentaries. His debut film, Pleasures Prejudice & Pride: An Indian Way of Filmmaking, was the focus of a multi-city global tour across the UK in 2019. First Indian author to be commissioned by USA’s ‘FAQ Book Series’, his Bollywood FAQ: All That’s Left to Know About the Greatest Film Story Never Told (2019), is an international bestseller, and latest book, Appreciating Melodrama (2022) is a refered text book in Film Studies. An advisory board member of Global University Film Awards (Hong Kong), and Founder-Festival Director of Edinburgh Festival of Indian Films & Documentaries (2016-17), he’s been teaching at Indian and British universities since 2008.
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