UG Programmes
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B.A. (Hons.) Film Studies
Semester -1 [24 Credit]
- Reading, Writing and Thinking/Storytelling
- Classics of World Cinema
- Photography and Filmmaking
- Visual Communication and Aesthetics
- Sculpture and Model Making
- Indian Constitution and Citizenship
- Digital Literacy
Semester -2 [24 Credit]
- Introduction to Acting
- Introduction to Film
- Introduction to Media
- Introduction to Animation
- Indian Constitution and Citizenship
- Self and Environmental Awareness
Semester -3
- Film Theory 1
- Personality Psychology + (Fundamentals of Acting)
- The History of Indian Cinema [Bollywood + Regional Cinema]
- Introduction to Indian Theatre, Acting and Stars
Semester -4
- Film Theory 2
- Auteurs of World Cinema
- Film Adaptation: Building Characters and Writing Screenplays
- Cinematography and Production Design
Semester – 5
- History of Hollywood – Studios, Genres and Classics
- Film Appreciation and Curation
- Editing, Animation, Sound and Graphic Design
- Sociology of Cinema
Semester – 6
- The Business of Entertainment and Censorship
- OTT and New Media
- Music, Lyrics and Playback
- Filmmaking – Documentary and Fiction
Semester – 7
- Cinemas of the World
- Film Adaptation / Filming History
- Internship 2
Semester – 8
- Film and Other Arts
- Film Curation and Exhibition
- Research Project/ Thesis