As a faculty researcher in engineering and applied physics, my passion lies in unraveling the complexities of materials through defect characterization using positrons and lifetime spectroscopy. My doctoral research focused on Topological Insulators, where I successfully demonstrated the existence of a positron surface state using Positron Annihilation induced Auger Electron Spectroscopy (PAES). This was a first-of-its-kind measurement, opening new avenues for understanding these novel materials. My master’s work involved measuring the low energy tail in a spectrum down to 0 eV using APECS at Brookhaven National Lab.
Currently, I’m engaged in exciting projects. One, funded by UGC-DAE CSR, utilizes Positron lifetime spectroscopy to investigate inter-granular corrosion. The other, a BIRAC project, aims to develop an innovative ultrasonic dental scaler tip using laser surface texturing and ceramic coatings. These projects allow me to combine my research interests with practical applications.
Teaching is another core aspect of my professional life. During my previous tenures, I teach physics to undergraduate students and have introduced new global elective courses like Thin Film Nano-Device Fabrication Technology and Introduction to Astrophysics. I strive to create a student-centric learning environment and mentor students in research projects. My dedication to teaching has been recognized through publications and participation in faculty development programs. I’m committed to fostering a new generation of scientists and engineers equipped with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
"Relativity applies to physics not ethics" - Albert Einstein
Nanoparticle doped Polymers for Radiation Shielding: A Review”, Joshi, A.V., Shastry, K., Velur, G. et al, Korean J. Chem. Eng. 41, 2985–3003 (2024).
Corrosion behavior of Graphene reinforced Al-12Si coated 7075 Aluminium alloy”, Bharatish Achutarao, Indira Roy, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, Srilatha Rao, K. Shastry, Material Science, Engineering and Applications, June 2022, DOI:
Feasibility Study on Tuned Mass Dampers Surrounded by Fluid Media in Structures Subjected to Excitation", S. Dhanush, N. V. Yathish, K. Shastry, Advances in Structural Mechanics and Applications, Pages 426-442, ASMA 2021, Vol 2, SI 26, Chapter 35, July 2022; ISBN-13: 9783031055089.
Effective Teaching for Millennial Learner”, Dr. Swarna M. Patra, K. Shastry, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Year: 2022, Volume: 35, Issue: 4, Pages: 129-136, DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2022/v35i4/22112.
Measurement of the full electron spectrum associated with the Ag N3VV Auger transitions: Evidence for the contribution of multi-electron Auger processes”, P.V. Joglekar, R.W. Gladen, V.A. Chirayath, A.J. Fairchild, S. Kalaskar, K. Shastry, Q. Dong, S.L. Hulbert, R.A. Bartynski, W.S.M. Werner, A.H. Weiss, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomenon, Vol 235, Pages 16-22 (2019), DOI:
Carbon-Electroluminescence: An organic approach to lighting”- Sonali Kumari, Tarun Chaudhary, Vivek Chandran, M. Lokeshwari, and K. Shastry; AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1966, 020018 (2018), DOI:
Direct observation of electron emission as a result of a VVV Auger transition in the valence band of Graphene”, V. A. Chirayath, V. Callewaert, M. D. Chrysler, A. J. Fairchild, R. W. Gladen, A. D. Mcdonald, S. K. Imam, K. Shastry, A. R. Koymen, R. Saniz, B. Barbiellini, K. Rajeshwar, B. Partoens and A. H. Weiss, Nature Communications, NCOMMS-17-03225B (2017), DOI:
Positron surface state as a new spectroscopic probe for characterizing surfaces of topological insulator materials”, Vincent Callewaert, K. Shastry, R. Saniz, I. Makkonen, B. Barbiellini, B. Assaf, D. Heiman, J. Moodera, B. Partoens, A. Bansil, A. H. Weiss, Phys. Rev. B, 94, 115411 (2016), DOI:
Time of flight spectrometer for background free positron annihilation induced Auger electron spectroscopy”, S. Mukherjee, K. Shastry, C.V. Anto, P. Joglekar, S. Xie, N. Jiang, M. P. Nadesalingam, A.H. Weiss, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 035114 (2016).
Evidence of positron surface state on the surface of a topological Insulator", K. Shastry, P.V. Joglekar, Z.H. Lim, A.H. Weiss, B. Barbiellini, A. Badih, D. Heiman, PPC 11, JOP Conference proceedings, (2015), DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/618/1/012006
Predominance of Multi-electron Processes Contributing to the Intrinsic Spectrum of Low Energy Auger Transitions in Cu and Au”, S.F. Mukherjee, K. Shastry, A.H. Weiss, Phys. Rev. B, Vol 84, Issue 15 (2014), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.155109
Measurement of the spectra of low energy electrons resulting from Auger transitions induced by the annihilation of low energy positrons implanted at The Ag (100) surface”, K. Shastry, P.V. Joglekar, A.H. Weiss, N.Z. Fazleev, AIP Conf. Proc. 1525, 444 (2013), DOI:
Measurement of the background in Auger-photoemission coincidence spectra (APECS) associated with inelastic or multi-electron valence band photoemission processes”, S. Satyal, P.V. Joglekar, K. Shastry, S. Kalaskar, Q. Dong, S.L. Hulbert, R.A. Bartynski, A.H. Weiss, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, Volume 195, Pages 66-70, (2011), DOI:
John D McNutt award from Dept. of Physics at UTA for accomplishment in research.
Awarded 2nd prize for poster presentation at APS 2010, Baltimore, USA.