Dr. Sayendri Panchadhyayi - RV University

Dr. Sayendri Panchadhyayi

Assistant Professor

  • About
  • Publication & Works
  • Research Summary
  • Awards & Achievements

Sayendri teaches Sociology at the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences. She has a B.A. (hons.), M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. in Sociology. She also serves as the Member-Secretary of the Research Ethics and Review Board (RERB) of RV University.

She holds an honorary appointment as an Associate at the Centre for Care, housed within the University of Sheffield, UK. In the past, she was an International Visiting Scholar in the Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield. Post-PhD, she was a Research Fellow at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta and worked on a project entitled, ‘Healthcare inequalities in India: Mapping actors, logics and care practices’.

She has a wide experience of teaching in both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Scottish Church College, Lady Brabourne College, Muralidhar Girls’ College, IGNOU, Presidency University, Rabindra Bharati University and National Law School of India University.

She is the co-founder of Sabr – a people’s collaborative that aims to bridge the gap between academia and the public on questions of care, editorial member of En-Gender, an independent early-career scholar-led academic platform, and an invited member to EASA-AGENET.

Currently, she is working on her solo-authored book under contract with Routledge. At present, her publication portfolio spans across Anthropology & Aging, Springer, Penguin India, Edward Elgar Publishing, Taylor & Francis, and Bristol University Press.

Golden divider

“We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ― Maya Angelou

Academic and peer-reviewed

Panchadhyayi, Sayendri and Saha, Sumita. (2024). Aging Widows in the Devotional Geography of Rural West Bengal, Society, 1-11. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/s12115-024-01026-z [SCOPUS].

Panchadhyayi, S. (2024). Technologized Intimacies and Posthuman Kinship Across the Life Course. Anthropology & Aging, 45(2), 82-89. DOI: 10.5195/aa.2024.553. [SCOPUS and Web of Sciences].

Book review of Care and Support Rights After Neoliberalism, International Journal of Care and Caring (Scopus), Sayendri Panchadhyayi, DOI: 10.1332/23978821Y2024D000000032.

Book review of Care Poverty: When Older People’s Needs Remain Unmet, Anthropology & Aging (Scopus and Web of Sciences), Sayendri Panchadhyayi, DOI: 10.5195/aa.2024.512.

Cartographies of Caring: Time, Temporality and Caring in Pandemic, In Kupfer, A. & Stutz, C. (Eds.), International Gender Perspectives on Re/Production, State and Feminist Transitions, Opladen, Germany: Barbara Budrich Publishers, Sayendri Panchadhyayi DOI: 10.3224/84742541; ISBN 978-3-8474-2541- 0.

Gender, Widowhood and Female Solidarity: A Study on Female Friendships of Later-Life Widows, Research on Ageing and Social Policy (Web of Sciences), Sayendri Panchadhyayi, DOI: 10.17583/rasp.2020.5053.

The Gender Question in Geriatric Care: Gender, Ageing and Caring Networks, In Bhowmick, A. & Wahab, O. E. (Eds.), Women in the Changing World: Issues & Challenges, New Delhi, India: Mittal Publications, Sayendri Panchadhyayi. ISBN 81-8324-982-5.

Public scholarship

Panchadhyayi, Sayendri (2024), review of “Care and the Pluriverse: Rethinking Global Ethics” by Maggie FitzGerald. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2022, 252 pp., En-Gender.

The Dismantled Clock: Chronicling Parietal Osteosarcoma and Waiting for Healing, The Polyphony, Institute of Medical Humanities - Durham University, UK, Sayendri Panchadhyayi.

The Tedium of Chronic Waiting: Delay, Temporality and Gender in Access to Healthcare in India, The Polyphony, Institute of Medical Humanities - Durham University, UK, Sayendri Panchadhyayi.

Care, Carers and Covid-19: Reflections on Old Age Care in India, The Polyphony, Institute of Medical Humanities - Durham University, UK, Sayendri Panchadhyayi.

  • Ageing, marginalized care actors for in-home older people and micro-politics of care
  • Emplaced experience of widowhood at the intersections of old-age, gender, caste, and destitution.
  • Anthropocene, technology, and posthumanism.
  • End-of-life care, loss and memorialization.
  • Geographies of care, mobilities and healthcare system.
  • Research Interests
  • Social gerontology, medical anthropology, feminist STS, sociology of care and lifecourse, and death and bereavement.
  • In November 2023 she was selected and appointed as an Associate (external) at the Centre for Care, a collaboration between the Universities of Sheffield, Birmingham, Kent and Oxford, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the Office for National Statistics, and three leading charities: Carers UK, the National Children’s Bureau and the Social Care Institute for Excellence.

  • In May 2023, her research paper titled 'Intimate transactions in carework' secured the best paper awarded at the Global South Graduate Students Conference 2023 organized by Center for Social Sciences Research (CSSR), George Mason University, USA. The award carried a cash prize of 300 USD and a certificate.

  • She served as a member of the Internal Complaints Cell (ICC) of Presidency University, Kolkata as a Ph.D. scholar representative between December 2019 and December 2022.

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