Keerthana Vijayakumar - RV University
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Keerthana Vijayakumar

Assistant Professor

  • About
  • Research Summary
  • Awards & Achievements

Keerthana Vijayakumar is an Assistant Professor at the School of Law, RV University. She has completed her Masters in Forensic Psychology from National Forensic Sciences University, Gujarat.

She has over four years of hands-on industry experience, having worked with the Delhi Police as their Senior Forensic Psychologist. She worked on over hundred plus cases from all over Delhi as it was her jurisdictional duties. Majorly, she was involved in criminal investigation to help understand psychological problems associated with criminal behaviour, forensic research, criminal profiling, and many more. While working with Delhi Police, she was deputed to work with various other law enforcement such as Chandigarh Police, Chennai Police to name a few.

In addition to her law enforcement background, she has two years of clinical experience having worked as a Psychologist (Research Assistant) on a TATA funded longitudinal Alzheimer’s study at the Centre for Neuroscience and Centre for Brain Research at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.

She has also worked extensively in social counselling at Parihar(NGO), based in the Bengaluru Commissioner’s office, and has also gained practical insights into forensic psychology at the Directorate of Forensic Science Laboratory at Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

Her expertise extends to training and mentorship, having conducted workshops and lecture programs for police officers at the Delhi Police and led intern training programs.

Golden divider

"It may be confidently asserted that no man chooses evil, because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks. And the desire of rectifying these mistakes, is the noble ambition of an enlightened understanding, the impulse of feelings that Philosophy invigorates." - Mary Wollstonecraft

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