Prof. Narmadha T, Currently working as an Assistant Professor in RV University. She holds a Bachelor’s degree (B.Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering from Anna University, Chennai, a Master’s degree (M.Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering from Vinayaka Mission’s University, Tamilnadu and currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from JAIN University, Bengaluru. With a strong educational background and over 13 years of teaching experience, she brings a wealth of knowledge to the field. She has published around 26 research papers among which 6 of the Journals indexed in Scopus and 20+ Journals published in reputed Journals. She takes the initiative to coordinate Workshops, Seminars, Webinars and Faculty Development Programs. Notably, she collaborates with ICTACT to organize FDP events focused on Contemporary Technologies. Her areas of expertise lies in Machine Learning, Data Science, Networking, and Cloud Computing etc.,
As a doctorate holder in International Studies from Jawaharlal Nehru University and as a recipient of the ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship in the field of Area Studies, my core research interests include international political economy, geopolitics, decolonization of indigenous knowledge systems, and policy analysis, with specific focus on the possibility of policy alternatives for the developing world. My attempt as a social science researcher has always been to provide for an insightful view of the behaviour, attitudes, opinions and motivations of people in relation to the contours of state policies. Accordingly, my research interest in international political economy as well as geopolitics emerged out of how it fundamentally throws insights into the likely behaviour of states. My PhD work on the Political Economy of Transformation in Zimbabwe, 1980-2013 sought to inquire into and understand the economic and political instabilities in the country as the consequence of the state system’s failure to introduce pragmatic policies in tandem with the socio-cultural milieu of the continent. My current research interest is centred on exploring the potential of traditional justice mechanisms in Sub-Saharan African countries to effectively complement conventional judicial systems, along with their ability to link justice to democratic development. My attempt has been to develop critical insights towards the idea and practice of justice in Sub-Saharan Africa, from a consent and justice- oriented informal system that accorded primacy to better access to justice to a purely state centred concept of the rule of law. Interrogating the modern justice system’s commitment to instrumental objectives such as reconciliation, accountability, truth-telling, legitimacy and reparation, and their role in restoring and rebuilding hope and confidence in conflict-ridden communities of Sub-Saharan Africa, has been the focus of my current research paper. I believe that inquiring in to the viability of the traditional socio-religious systems in promoting justice, reconciliation and a culture of democracy, equips me to initiate conversations on the Eurocentric bias or basis of the formal legal structures that most often obscures the lived experiences of indigenous communities world over.
Starting of fresh from the university after completing my masters in applied physics and with a specialization in solid state physics from Ramaiah University of Applied Science. Having interned in CSIR-NAL for my dissertation work in nanomaterials and application of the same in gas sensons, I am now aiming towards earning my PhD in condensed matter physics or material sciences. As part of School of Computer Science and Engineering, I bring with me the mindset that learning science will fundamentally help you in your career no matter what your field is going to be. Having grown around technology, I gravitate naturally towards computers and programming alike. I bring with me a liberal and open mindset that can understand the current generation, better relate to their problems and experiences. The amount of times I have lost in chess helps me keep myself humbled.
Shwetal is a multidisciplinary designer. Her work spans across product development, Interiors design, documentary film making and archiving. She is an alumna of the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, the Faculty of Fine Arts, MSU Baroda and Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. She is the founder and principal designer of an independent design studio, FoDoMe, which develops and markets copper and glass products, employing in-house skills, local craftsmanship and industrial expertise, since 2005. FoDoMe is also a lab for creative explorations on various foraged materials as well as a space for research in cultural anthropology. Her interest in cultural anthropology, the natural world and creative studies have led her to take on the role of a design educator. Her experience as an entrepreneur, designer, artist and as a parent influences her pedagogical approach.
Manish Kumar holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Bangalore University, Bangalore. Before joining RV University, he had worked for 16 years at M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology in the Computer Applications Department. His areas of specialization include Information Security and Digital Forensics. He is also a Subject Matter Expert (Cyber Security), IBM-Coursera, Edx. He has published many research papers in reputed conferences and journals. In addition to his academic role, he is actively involved in research and consultancy. He regularly conducts hands-on workshops, technical talks, and training for engineering institutions, researchers, faculty members, law enforcement agencies, and the judiciary. He serves as a technical expert on various committees formed by the Karnataka State Government to establish cyber forensics labs for law enforcement agencies. He is a life member of the Computer Society of India (CSI), the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), and the Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA). He is also a member of the International Association of Engineers (IAE) and a senior member of the ACM.
Aditya Kumar holds a PhD in Economics from IFMR GSB, Krea University, with his doctoral thesis focusing on the economics of education. His engagement in research began during his post-graduate studies, particularly in the field of Development Economics. From 2018 to 2019, Aditya served as an Academic Associate at the Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, India.
During his post-graduate tenure, he undertook a dissertation on Sustainable Development and Sustainable Livelihoods. Additionally, he contributed to a research project in Health Economics while at the Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode.
He has a special interest in event management, a field he has been involved in since his school days. He enjoys listening to Hindi and Urdu poetry and seizes every opportunity to embark on long road trips. A morning person, Aditya appreciates the tranquillity of early mornings and engages in playing volleyball whenever possible. He is also actively involved in social work, having conducted various blood donation camps and other awareness programs.
Mr. Vijay Chandra Rao has over 22 years of experience in both industry and academia. His area of specialization is Accounting and Finance. Vijay Chandra Rao’s career spans across organizations such as AxA Business Services, HDFC Bank, Dayananda Sagar Institutions and BMS College for Women.
His Professional portfolio includes serving as a Banker, Assistant Professor, Controller of Examinations, Deputy Controller of Examinations, Chairman of the Board of Studies and Board of Examiners and as Head of the Department.
Beyond these roles, Mr. Vijay Chandra Rao has Completed Certificate courses in Accounting and Finance from Institutions Such as IIT Kharagpur, National Stock Exchange Academy, Yale University, University of Michigan, ISB etc.
Sayendri teaches Sociology at the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences. She has a B.A. (hons.), M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. in Sociology. She also serves as the Member-Secretary of the Research Ethics and Review Board (RERB) of RV University.
She holds an honorary appointment as an Associate at the Centre for Care, housed within the University of Sheffield, UK. In the past, she was an International Visiting Scholar in the Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield. Post-PhD, she was a Research Fellow at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta and worked on a project entitled, ‘Healthcare inequalities in India: Mapping actors, logics and care practices’.
She has a wide experience of teaching in both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Scottish Church College, Lady Brabourne College, Muralidhar Girls’ College, IGNOU, Presidency University, Rabindra Bharati University and National Law School of India University.
She is the co-founder of Sabr – a people’s collaborative that aims to bridge the gap between academia and the public on questions of care, editorial member of En-Gender, an independent early-career scholar-led academic platform, and an invited member to EASA-AGENET.
Currently, she is working on her solo-authored book under contract with Routledge. At present, her publication portfolio spans across Anthropology & Aging, Springer, Penguin India, Edward Elgar Publishing, Taylor & Francis, and Bristol University Press.