Sandipp - RV University


Assistant Professor

  • About
  • Research Summary
  • Awards & Achievements

Throughout my teaching career, I have taught students from diverse backgrounds, be it linguistic group, ethnicity, or economic strata. I start with the assumption that they all have the same goals of becoming successful professionals; and it is my job to make their story possible. As many students have kept in touch after passing out, I see that I have been able to contribute in my own way to facilitate their journey. This gives me a great deal of satisfaction. I have seen how though mere the physical presence, I could give them the assurance of inclusion. I revere teaching as a field. The method of teaching I believe in is the “walk with them” approach. It encourages students to share their feelings and aspirations; I try to help them progress on their journey. I give them a basic framework upon which they build and add on details of their choice—at the end of the day, it is their painting, not my drawing. That’s my process, one that I deeply enjoy and value.

Golden divider

"Let there be Light..."

  • Research Summary
  • Academic Planning & scheduling
    Production Planning & Scheduling
    Syllabus designing
    Lecturing and conducting class seminars
    Leading cinematography practical classes
    Mentoring student projects
    Evaluating student work
    Conducting cinematography workshops
    Bringing and Facilitating workshops with eminent cinematographers.
  • Research Interests
  • As I was born in remote rural area of India, the electric light was not available during my high school days. Later on, during my graduation days,I have shifted to a city. There I have got the experience of Electric lights. During my training days as cinematographer , I have the experience of lighting a scene or shot. There I have learnt that how change of light sources have varied and impacted on the visual quality of the scene. Now that has intrigued my mind, since the world has gone through changes in light sources throughout civilisation. The pre historic era has only fire-lit caves. Then the vegetable oil /animal fat has fuelled the wicks of the earthen lamps. The bigger sources of open torches which can be carried by hand has illuminated the dust filled roads of new built city roads. The covered gas lit streetlights have replaced the dimly lit lamp roads. Then electric has arrived and that also progressed from tungsten bulb to fluorescent tubes to modern LED lamps. How the change of the light sources have influenced the visual medium artists? how a painter of 16th centuries Vienna has seen the subject in the candle lit home? How the shadowless lighting of tubes has intrigued the minds of the cubist painters? Has it ? or has it not? This is search in my mind, now i want to put the subject as a research through proper guidance and formal thesis.
  • Sandipp's penchant for the visual language has given him a variety of opportunities to explore different formats for the narrative, documentary and other forms of storytelling. Sandipp has been active as Cinematographer over 25 years and as Academics as Faculty in Cinematography over 15 years.

    1) RANG (a feature film in Tulu language)

    Year of production : 2014
    Name of the production & Distribution : Sri Kateeleshwari combines
    Director : Suhan Prasad & Vismaya Vinayaka DoP : Sandip Bhattacharyya (me)
    This is a feature film based on the suspense genre, revenge story of a child whose father got killed in tussle of two landlords, his father was a folk dancer, the child got psychic in certain condition, how he is taking revenge on his father’s killers and becoming a normal person.

  • Z.Y.X...An experimental short film Directed by Shravan Katikaneni screened at MARATHON DOK '06, Copenhagen,Denmark and MIFF '06 (Mumbai International Film Festival for short and documentaries).

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